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The Common View

Key Concepts

The purpose of this web site is to propose a process to achieve advancement in the development of the human social system by the rational application of knowledge.

See not only the world as it is, see it also as it could be.

Each individual has a unique world view. However, there is a large common set of the view which we either now share or could share once we each reflect on life.

The web and this Knowledge Tool give us an opportunity to document our world views and determine our common world view

We have common needs, wants and desires. We can make better progress if we work together to achieve our common goals.

We can reduce our learning curve if we share our collective knowledge.

Knowledge about:

Assumption: In a divided world, the objectives worth pursuing are the ones we can agree on.

Supporting Material

This web site is about documenting knowledge which most people can agree is true and correct. We want to gain agreement on a plan for human kind to guide each of us in our day by day decision making so that we can work together and be more efficient in meeting our obligations as stewards of planet Earth.

We believe that the political process has degenerated into a must win game rather than a process for joint problem solving and goal setting.

We are not satisfied to just say that problems exist. We think that problems are meant to be solved!

Here we will document some basic ideas which we feel are correct and should meet with general agreement. If you do not understand or disagree with the material as put forward, please let us know and help us to make the necessary changes. We sincerely want to be correct. Not everyone will agree with everything included on this site. But, we strive to get at least a 90% sign off that this material is not incorrect.

We will start with the following categories of thought:

We each do better, when we all do better.

The universe was created by intelligent design. Human systems should also be created by intelligent design.

In life there are Goals, Plans and Priorties.

Goal - Enjoy life.

Plan - Make each decision a just decision.

Priorities - Do no harm.

Conclusion: Each person must decide for themselves.


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This web site is maintained by Knowledge Based Solutions.

If you think this is a worthwhile project, please help by submitting ideas using the feedback page and providing financial support by purchasing one or more copies of the Personal Knowledge System from our host, Knowledge Based Solutions.

Knowledge is the key.

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